The Global Jane Austen: Celebrating and Commemorating 250 years of Jane AustenInfo Location Contact More Info Event Information![]()
DescriptionRegistration is currently only open to speakers who are giving papers at the conference. We hope to open further spaces in March. Austen scholars and enthusiasts are invited to the University of Southampton, Hampshire, for a conference commemorating Austen’s birth in the year 1775, in the port city that was Jane Austen’s home from 1806-1809. The organisers have encouraged the broadest possible interpretation of the conference theme The Global Jane Austen, and papers will focus on all aspects of Austen’s writing and life, her posthumous reception, her influences, and her writing alongside that of her contemporaries. Speakers will also present their research on adaptations, translations and creative responses to Austen’s work (written and/or performed in all languages), material and textual transmission of her works, and her reception and reputation in countries outside the Anglophone world.
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More InformationThe conference is co-organised by the Universities of Southampton and Stirling. We are grateful for the support of: - The British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) - The Society of the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) - Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research (SCNR) Austen scholars and enthusiasts are invited to the University of Southampton, Hampshire, for a conference commemorating Austen’s birth in the year 1775. In 1976, Juliet McMaster introduced an edited collection of essays resulting from a bicentenary birthday celebration for Austen in the following terms: To celebrate the two-hundredth anniversary of Jane Austen’s birth in October, in Western Canada, is no doubt to be guilty of a comic incongruity. But as though to compensate for the misdemeanor, the papers delivered at the conference have a common and exact focus on period and locale. 50 years after the bicentenary conference at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, the scholarly landscape of Austen studies has changed. Where many monographs and edited collections of essays still maintain an ‘exact focus on period and locale’, research informed by book history, the material, archival and linguistic turns in literary criticism, postcolonial studies and adaptation theory (among others) has flourished in the intervening decades. The ever-expanding corpus of adaptations, sequels and prequels has proven fruitful territory for a consideration of Austen’s reception, in its broadest sense. Austen’s transformations into other languages and into other cultures make her a Global author. We invite the international community to the port city that was Jane Austen’s home from 1806-1809 for a consideration of the Global Jane Austen. We encourage the broadest possible interpretation of the conference theme , and welcome papers on all aspects of Austen’s writing and life, her posthumous reception, her influences, and her writing alongside that of her contemporaries. We particularly welcome papers on adaptations, translations and creative responses to Austen’s work (written and/or performed in all languages), material and textual transmission of her works, and her reception and reputation in countries outside the Anglophone world. Discussion of the Global within her works (and those of her contemporaries) is equally acceptable. We have a small amount of funding available to support postgraduate, Early Career Scholars, scholars with no institutional support, and scholars from outside the Anglophone world. Please note on your abstract if you fall into one of these categories, and would like to be considered for such funding. Confirmed Speakers Include: Susan Allen Ford; Serena Baiesi, Janine Barchas; Jennie Batchelor; Annika Bautz; Isabelle Bour; Joe Bray; Linda Bree; Inger Brodey; Valérie Cossy; Richard Cronin; Carlotta Farese; Susannah Fullerton; Sayre Greenfield; Isobel Grundy; Christine Kenyon Jones; Freya Johnston; Michael Kramp; Devoney Looser; Deidre Lynch; Anthony Mandal; Juliet McMaster; Marie Nedregotten Sørbø; Peter Sabor; Diego Saglia; Rebecca Smith; Jane Stabler; Kathryn Sutherland; Bharat Tandon; Janet Todd; Anne Toner; Linda Troost; Juliette Wells |