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Image of a person behind a camera

Screening Live Performance


A two-day cross-disciplinary conference, "Screening Live Performance" will bring together scholars and practitioners to consider the impact, aesthetics, history,  and future of multi-camera production in the performing arts.

"Screening Live Performance" will feature a workshop led by multi-camera directors Gemma Dixon and Jonathan Haswell at Southampton’s Concert Hall, the Turner Sims, prior to an evening screened concert demonstrating the techniques involved in presenting a live multi-camera event.

Jonathan Haswell will deliver a keynote presentation entitled "Live Performance on Screen: Truths and Style."

Further information can be found on our website by clicking HERE

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If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Keynotes/Committee Members (Password Reqd)£0.00[Read More]
Registration - Early Bird - Non Student£125.00[Read More]
Registration - Enrolled Student£100.00[Read More]

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