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English for Academic Purpose Support

A wooden tree with books placed on the branches with white background

English for Academic Purposes Support (EAP)

The EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. We offer the following academic language skills support classes during the academic year:

Academic writing skills Intercultural communication skills
Critical thinking skills PhD thesis writing skills
Everyday English skills PGT (Masters) Dissertation Writing Skills
Grammar in writing skills Speaking skills

English for Academic Purposes Skills Support

Bookings for our Semester 2, Block 2, In-Sessional Skills support sessions will open on Wednesday 5th March 2025 at 1pm UK time.

Teaching will start the week beginning Monday 17th  March 2025 until the week ending Friday 16th  May 2025. Please note there are no classes during the Easter vacation which starts Monday 31st  March 2025 and ends Friday 25th  April 2025. There are also no classes on Bank Holiday Monday, 5th  May 2025.

Classes will take place at Highfield and Avenue campuses and online.

Please check your timetable before booking to avoid a clash in schedule.

Students can attend a maximum of 2 courses per semester.

If a course is fully booked, please add your name to the waiting list and we will contact you if a space becomes available.
If your booking is successful, you will receive a confirmation receipt with an Invoice number (starting UOS). We will send you an email before the start of your course to confirm course details. Please note: For all online courses, the Tutor will send you the link and joining instructions.

We hope you enjoy your course.

If you have any questions, or wish to cancel your booking, please email EAPcourses@soton.ac.uk 

If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.  Online store accounts are not automatically created for you.

All International students can access: -

ACADEMIC SKILLS HUB   Learning and Skills advisors and Academic Engagement Librarians at the Hartley library academic skills hub can help you by offering an in-person, drop-in service to advise students on all aspects of Academic Skills, Writing and Maths & Statistics support. You can also download helpful academic skills guides. please email libenqs@soton.ac.uk putting Academic Skills in the subject of your email.

LIBRARY ACADEMIC SKILLS ONLINE SUPPORT and RESOURCES   Everything you need to get you started to study online. For more information, please go to https://library.soton.ac.uk/sash

THE EAP (ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES) TOOLKIT On your homepage of Blackboard (the University’s Virtual Learning Environment), you will find a link to the EAP Toolkit. This is a set of online learning resources in Study Skills and English for Academic Purposes for self-study. The resource contains interactive learning resources and activity-based learning and covers Learning Skills, Academic Writing, Reading, and Critical Thinking, Listening and Notetaking, Communication Skills, Grammar, and Vocabulary for Academic Purposes. Please go to https://blackboard.soton.ac.uk/

Please contact EAPcourses@soton.ac.uk if you have any queries.

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