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NBIC Membership

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NBIC Membership

Join the NBIC Consortium as a Member to facilitate the exchange of challenges, solutions and ideas in the biofilms sector.

Join the NBIC Consortium as a Member to facilitate the exchange of challenges, solutions and ideas in the biofilms sector.


The National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) exists to create a fusion of world class interdisciplinary research and industry partnerships to deliver breakthrough science and technologies to control and exploit biofilms.

NBIC is jointly funded by the BBSRC and Innovate UK. NBIC aims to connect scientists specialising in biofilms across the UK, and to provide a mechanism for industrial partners to explore their unmet needs with NBIC Partners. A key driver behind industry membership is to facilitate the exchange of challenges, solutions and ideas in the biofilms sector.

NBIC operates a tiered membership model that reflects the Member's size
and type of organisation. There are four tiers of industry membership within
NBIC: Tier 0, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3.

As a Member (Tier 0 to Tier 3), you will gain the following:

• Events: Concessionary access to our meetings and webinars and training (defined number of places per annum for each company –suggestion 3) and online meeting recordings

• Studentships: Access to NBIC PhD programme via CTP

• Funding: Participation in translational project applications

• Partnering support: Curated searches and partnering set up by our Innovation team – formal output

• Access to specialist info on Universities ( e.g. specialist videos on university capabilities) and follow ups as needed organised by NBIC

• Information on funding opportunities: Bespoke funding insights targeted at company (targeted emails based on company sectors)

• Market and Sector reports : Access to NBIC funded reports , possibly only at a reduced rate (e.g. Market Reports and updates)

• Member communications: Member Newsletter highlighting events and access to editorial and curated information

• Annual member day – themed applied meeting (similar approach to CBE annual Industry meeting – targeted to membership needs)

• Technical training: Access to our CPD modules (at reduced prices)

Should you have any questions about your order please email [email protected] 

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a payment.

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