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Careers Fairs

Careers Fairs

Careers Fair Logo

Get Hired: Summer Careers Fair


We're delighted to open registration for our Get Hired: Summer Careers Fair 2025!

Please do not make a purchase unless you have a confirmed booking via MyCareer received from the Fairs and Events Team . If you have not yet made a booking please do this via MyCareer HERE! 

The University of Southampton is ranked in the top 20 UK Universities in the Times and the Sunday Times' Good University Guide, ranked Top 100 in the world, and a founding member of the Russell Group. With a wide range of talented, motivated and aspiring students looking for their future employer, attending one of our Careers Fairs is the ideal opportunity to engage with students and promote work experience opportunities, graduate roles and other job opportunities for the coming year. Please note that the following types of roles cannot be promoted at this event:

  • Opportunities requiring an upfront cost
  • Unpaid positions

Securing your spot at our Summer Careers Fair is perfect for organisations looking to recruit students into the following opportunity types;
Internships, Volunteering, Work Experience, Part Time Jobs.

Times, Dates and Location - The Fair is being hosted on our Highfield Campus on Wednesday 14 May, 11:00 - 15:00.

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed using Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Cards or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.


Attendee CategoryCost   
A) Large Enterprise (250+ employees) £200+VAT£240.00[Read More]
B) Medium Enterprise (50 – 250 employees) £150+VAT£180.00[Read More]
C) Small Enterprise (<50 employees) £100+VAT£120.00[Read More]
D) Larger Charity (Annual income >£250k / 5+ employees) £50+VAT£60.00[Read More]

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