CourseCourseAcademic Writing Skills classesDescriptionWe will focus on a number of function, conventions and aspect of grammar common to academic writing (e.g. describing, classifying, comparing & contrasting, cause and effect, introductions, in-text citation, reporting results, conclusions, bibliographies etc.). There will also be opportunities to relate the content to work in your own discipline. Overview of the module This module is intended for non-native speakers of English who wish to familiarise themselves with the conventions of academic writing and to practise some of the language that will be expected of them during their postgraduate studies. The main aim is to prepare students for all the academic writing tasks that will be required during their studies. Students will become familiar with a number of reference sources and academic writing styles. Aims of the module The main aims of this unit are to:
Student learning outcomes Having successfully completed the unit, students will be aware of:
Learning and teaching methods The sessions will run as a mixture of seminars and workshops. Students will be expected to participate actively and to produce some written work. Assessment This is not a credit bearing module. There is no formal assessment. Further information can be found on English for Academic Purposes WEBSITEThe EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. If you want to continue to improve your English, we offer the following academic language skills support classes: academic writing skills; PhD thesis writing skills; Masters level dissertation writing skills; critical thinking skills; presentation & seminar skills and everyday English skills. If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.
Critical Thinking skills session (UG)DescriptionWe aim to equip you with the skills and strategies you need to think, read and write critically during your studies here. There will also be opportunities to relate the content to work in your own discipline Overview of the module This module has been designed to meet the needs of international or overseas students who wish to broaden their study skills by incorporating critical thinking. The module aims to give you the ability to critically read, analyse and comment upon texts written by other people. It also aims to give you the ability to use these texts (written by others) to build your own arguments and become a critical writer. You will become more aware of what ‘criticality’ is, in the academic sense of the word; be able to conduct basic critical analysis on a text and see how critically analysed source material can build new arguments. Aims of the module The main aims of this module are to:
Student learning outcomes Having successfully completed the unit, students will be aware of:
Learning and teaching methods The sessions will run as a mixture of lectures and discussions. Students will be expected to participate actively and to produce some written work. Assessment This is non- credit bearing. There is no formal assessment for this module. Further information about the English Academic Purposes can be found on our WEBSITE The EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. If you want to continue to improve your English, we offer the following academic language skills support classes: academic writing skills; PhD thesis writing skills; Masters level dissertation writing skills; critical thinking skills; presentation & seminar skills and everyday English skills. If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.
Everyday English Skills ClassesDescriptionWe will cover all the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Topics will include grammar, idioms and phrasal verbs, vocabulary development with particular reference to collocation, and different registers and genres. There will also be opportunities to relate the content to your daily life in the UK. Rational This module will allow students to improve their listening, reading, writing, and speaking in English in a variety of contexts. They will integrate the study of the four language skills with a wide use of vocabulary, and grammatical structures of the English language. Module aims
Student learning outcomes Having successfully completed the unit, they will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
Learning and teaching methods The sessions will run as a mixture of seminars, workshops and group work. Students will be expected to prepare for classes (where necessary) and participate actively. Assessment This is a not a credit bearing module. There is no formal assessment. Further information can be found on English for Academic Purposes WEBSITE The EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. If you want to continue to improve your English, we offer the following academic language skills support classes: academic writing skills; PhD thesis writing skills; Masters level dissertation writing skills; critical thinking skills; presentation & seminar skills and everyday English skills. If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.
Grammar in writing skillsDescriptionGood writing skills allow you to communicate your message clearly to a reader. We will focus on grammar, punctuation and sentence structure as these are key elements of written communication. There will also be opportunities to relate the content to work in your own discipline Overview of the module This module is intended for non-native speakers of English who wish to familiarise themselves with how grammar is used to improve academic writing and to practise some of the language that will be expected of them during their postgraduate studies. The main aim is to prepare students for all the academic writing tasks that will be required during their studies. Students will become familiar with a number of reference sources and academic writing styles. Aims of the module The main aims of this unit are to:
Student learning outcomes Having successfully completed the unit, students will be aware of:
Learning and teaching methods The sessions will run as a mixture of seminars and workshops. Students will be expected to participate actively and to produce some written work. Assessment This is not a credit bearing module. There is no formal assessment. Further information can be found on English for Academic Purposes WEBSITE The EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. If you want to continue to improve your English, we offer the following academic language skills support classes: academic writing skills; PhD thesis writing skills; Masters level dissertation writing skills; critical thinking skills; presentation & seminar skills and everyday English skills. If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.
PGR (PhD) Thesis Writing SkillsDescriptionOverview of the module This module is intended for non-native speakers of English who wish to familiarise themselves with the conventions of academic writing and to practise some of the language that will be expected of them during their postgraduate studies. The main aim is to prepare students for all the academic writing tasks that will be required during their studies. Students will become familiar with a number of reference sources and academic writing styles. Aims of the module The main aims of this unit are to:
Student learning outcomes Having successfully completed the unit, students will be aware of:
Learning and teaching methods The sessions will run as a mixture of seminars and workshops. Students will be expected to participate actively and to produce some written work. Assessment There is no formal assessment for this module. Further information can be found on English for Academic Purposes WEBSITE The EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. If you want to continue to improve your English, we offer the following academic language skills support classes: academic writing skills; PhD thesis writing skills; Masters level dissertation writing skills; critical thinking skills; presentation & seminar skills and everyday English skills. If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.
Speaking SkillsDescriptionWe aim to develop the key skills involved in oral communication: speaking in academic contexts, presenting and participating in seminar discussions. There will also be opportunities to practise your pronunciation, give a presentation and to relate the content to work in your own discipline. Overview of the module This module is intended for non-native speakers of English who wish to improve their academic speaking skills in English. They will integrate the norms and conventions of seminar discussions and oral presentations with advice on how to improve their individual pronunciation of the English language. Aims of the module The main aims of this unit are to:
Student learning outcomes Having successfully completed the unit, students will be able to demonstrate ability, knowledge and understanding of:
Learning and teaching methods The sessions will run as a mixture of seminar discussions, presentations and workshops. Students will be expected to research and prepare outlines of oral presentations, participate in discussions on various topics and give an informal presentation. Assessment This is non-credit bearing. There is no formal assessment for this module. Further information can be found on English for Academic Purposes WEBSITE The EAP skills support programme offers academic language support to international students who need to develop their English language and academic literacy skills during their studies. All classes are free of charge to international students registered at the University of Southampton. If you want to continue to improve your English, we offer the following academic language skills support classes: academic writing skills; PhD thesis writing skills; Masters level dissertation writing skills; critical thinking skills; presentation & seminar skills and everyday English skills. If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.
Welcome to English for Academic PurposesDescriptionFor information on upcoming courses please click here English for Academic Purposes