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LifeLab Medical Summer School


Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor? 

LifeLab would like to invite pupils currently in Years 9, 10 and 11 who are interested in finding out more about becoming a doctor to attend our Summer School on 23rd and 24th July 2025.

Participants will spend two days at University Hospital Southampton where they will gain experience of what it is like to train and work as a doctor.

Participants will have the chance to:

  • Learn how to perform clinical skills such as suturing and practice these on a model
  • Experience anatomy and pathology teaching
  • Talk to medical students about training as a doctor and find out how the application process works
  • Listen to our keynote speaker talking about life in medicine
  • Talk to doctors about their role

Reserving a place
The two-day course costs £150. All food and drink is included, but participants need to make their own transport arrangements.

Accommodation is not included.

Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
After completing the booking process and making payment, you will receive an information pack by email.

Bursary Spaces

We have 10 free bursary spaces available for those pupils who meet 1 of the following criteria:

  • In the first generation of immediate family to apply to Higher Education, excluding brothers or sisters and attend a secondary school which achieved below the national average Attainment 8 point score in 2019
  • Receive Free School Meals
  • Are a Young or Young Adult Carer
  • Living or grew up in Local Authority care
  • Living in an area with a postcode which falls within the lowest 20 per cent of Index of Multiple Deprivation

Please contact LifeLab by email [email protected] as soon as possible if you think you may be eligible and wish to apply for a bursary space.

Please visit our WEBSITE for further information on LifeLab

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
23/07/202524/07/20250£150.00[Read More]
Lab logo

LifeLab Medical Summer School - Online


Experience Medicine with LifeLab online is a live 6 week online course for students in Year 10 and Year 12 who are interested in studying medicine. Delivered weekly students will experience sessions covering medical ethics, clinical skills, admissions, communication and meet clinical staff.

Have you ever thought about becoming a doctor? Experience Medicine with LifeLab online is a live 6-week online course for students in Year 10 and Year 12 who are interested in studying medicine.

Delivered weekly via MS Teams, students will experience sessions covering medical ethics, clinical skills, admissions, communication and meet clinical staff. 

Participants will have the chance to:

  • Understand medical ethics and the impact decisions have
  • Practice debating different medical scenarios
  • Work through different anatomy case studies
  • Ask questions to the medicine admissions team
  • Meet the healthcare professionals
  • Practice communication skills

As well as live sessions, activities are available online to support your learning and all participants will receive a booklet and certificate of attendance.  

Reserving your place 

The 6-week course costs £100 and places are available on a first come, first served basis. After completing the booking process and making payment, you will receive an information pack by email. 

Please visit our WEBSITE for further information on LifeLab

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.


StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
23/04/202522/05/20250£100.00[Read More]
New Primary Care Teachers Workshop - Virtual

New Primary Care Teachers Workshop - Virtual


To increase the participants’ confidence, enthusiasm and skills in teaching undergraduate medical students.

At the end of this workshop participants will 

  • Have a clearer idea of the aims and learning outcomes of primary medical care and how this fits into the overall medical curriculum
  • Reflected on ways in which they can help the students learn
  • Considered ways of giving feedback to students
  • Have had the opportunity to meet with the coordinators and colleagues from other practices to exchange ideas and share good practice

This will be an Virtual workshop.  You will be emailed joining instructions closer to the course date.

  • Course Timing 09.30 - 13.30

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
18/03/202518/03/20250£15.00[Read More]
20/05/202520/05/20250£15.00[Read More]
Agora Logo

Nothing about us without us: The what, why and how of patient and public involvement and engagement


To ensure that research and its outcomes meets the needs of patients and public it is vital that they are engaged and involved in its design and delivery. But how can we ensure that their involvement is meaningful? 

Please note that the final date to register for this course is 1st August 2025.  You will have access to the course platform until 1st February 2026.

This online learner-led course is designed for and with patients, public and researchers. You will learn about the what, why and how of patient and public involvement and engagement in health and social care research. In this five-module course you will:

  • Explore what patient and public involvement and engagement in health and social care research is and why it is so important
  • Reflect on the techniques for sharing power and developing relationships to ensure the patient and public voice is heard and has an impact
  • Understand the UK public involvement standards which will give you a framework to plan and critique patient and public involvement in any given research scenario
  • Develop and apply solutions to common issues and challenges in patient and public involvement and engagement.

This course is ideal for those who are new to or need a refresher on patient and public involvement in research:

  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Staff working in patient and public involvement and engagement

This course is also suitable for public contributors.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe what is meant by patient and public engagement and involvement in research
  • Recognise the value and benefits of involving patients and the public in health research
  • Differentiate between the different approaches to patient and public involvement  
  • Apply the UK public involvement standards to various research scenarios
  • Evaluate the quality of patient and public involvement in a given research scenario

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.

StartEndCourse Fee 
11/06/202401/08/2025[Read More]

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