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HullScant First Module



This page is for purchasing the ‘First Module’ of the HullScant suite of programs.
The HullScant suite is used to evaluate the scantlings for motor and sailing vessels under 24 metres. The suite calculates the actual scantling structural properties of a vessel and compares these with the requirements set out in the ISO standard 12215.

The HullScant suite consists of two modules, HullScant Monohull (ISO 12215 Part 5) and HullScant Multihull (ISO 12215 Part 7). Either Monohull or Multihull can be purchased as ‘HullScant First Module’. The functionality of the ‘First Module’ (eg Monohull) may be extended by purchasing the ‘Second Module’ (eg. Multihull), to obtain the full HullScant Suite.

The ‘First Module’ is a standalone copy of HullScant. The ‘Second Module’ requires the ‘First Module’ to run.
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HullScant Second Module (requires First Module)



This page is for purchasing the ‘Second Module’ of the HullScant suite of programs.
The HullScant suite is used to evaluate the scantlings for motor and sailing vessels under 24 metres. The suite calculates the actual scantling structural properties of a vessel and compares these with the requirements set out in the ISO standard 12215.

The HullScant suite consists of two modules, HullScant Monohull (ISO 12215 Part 5) and HullScant Multihull (ISO 12215 Part 7). Either Monohull or Multihull can be purchased as ‘HullScant First Module’. The functionality of the ‘First Module’ (eg Monohull) may be extended by purchasing the ‘Second Module’ (eg. Multihull), to obtain the full HullScant Suite.

The ‘First Module’ is a standalone copy of HullScant. The ‘Second Module’ requires the ‘First Module’ to run.
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HST is the Wolfson Unit’s Hydrostatics, Stability and Tank Capacities Program allowing both the definition of hull geometry and also the calculation of the standard hydrostatic and stability parameters of a vessel as well as tank capacity data.

The Hydrostatics suite is currently used by the UK MCA (Ensign Division) for checking all third party stability submissions, we also have several other National Authorities as users of the program.
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HST loading2

HST Loading (requires HST)



HST Loading is an additional module to HST, the Wolfson Unit’s hydrostatics, stability and tank capacity program. HST Loading calculates weights and centres, loading conditions, longitudinal strength, maximum KG and intact stability criteria and inclining experiment data. The module uses the hull definition directly from HST.
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HST damage2

HST Damage (requires HST)



HST Damage is an additional module to HST, the Wolfson Unit’s hydrostatics, stability and tank capacity program. HST Damage calculates damage stability, damage maximum KG and floodable lengths. The module uses the hull definition directly from HST.
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Onboard Programs2

HST Onboard



HST Onboard is a stand-alone program designed for use by bridge personnel in order to compute vessel-specific sailing state, stability and longitudinal strength information in any loaded condition.

The program is supplied with data files, which define the vessel’s geometry and loaded conditions, including capacity data for all tanks. The program uses the hull definition from HST.

NOTE: The price does not include data preparation.
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Power Prediction & Propeller Design

Power Prediction and Propeller Design



The Power Prediction program calculates the powering requirements of vessels covering a large range of hull forms from merchant ships to planing vessels, using a variety of analytical and regression methods.
The program can calculate the effect of appendages and the effect of changes in hull form parameters. In addition to calculating the resistance and EHP, the program also calculates the propulsive coefficients for each speed.

The Propeller Design Program computes propeller performance, using various design and off-design methods, from standard Gawn and Wageningen B-series propeller charts or propeller data input by user.
Data for Kaplan propellers operating in nozzles are also provided. The program provides a rapid means of designing a propeller or investigating the influence on performance and efficiency of various design parameters.
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Power Prediction

Power Prediction Program



The Power Prediction program calculates the powering requirements of vessels covering a large range of hull forms from merchant ships to planing vessels, using a variety of analytical and regression methods.

The program can calculate the effect of appendages and the effect of changes in hull form parameters. In addition to calculating the resistance and EHP, the program also calculates the propulsive coefficients for each speed.
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Propeller Design

Propeller Design Program



The Propeller Design Program computes propeller performance, using various design and off-design methods, from standard Gawn and Wageningen B-series propeller charts or propeller data input by user.

Data for Kaplan propellers operating in nozzles are also provided. The program provides a rapid means of designing a propeller or investigating the influence on performance and efficiency of various design parameters.
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Ship Motions




Shipmotions predicts regular wave responses and statistical information from an initial hull geometry. The motion can be calculated with five degrees of freedom: heave, sway, roll, yaw and pitch.

Different types of spectra may be used to generate the statistics, and wave spreading may be invoked. The wave angles may be from any direction between ahead and astern.
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Go Plot




GoPlot is a graph plotting program to produce high quality data plots based on the concept of drawing axes and data on scaled squared graph paper.

Sets of axes can be placed on the paper and data is then plotted on the axes as appropriate. Text, shapes, lines, pictures and data point symbols can be added. The data may be fitted with a variety of mathematical curves.
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