English DepartmentEnglish DepartmentThe Global Jane Austen: Celebrating and Commemorating 250 years of Jane AustenDescriptionRegistration is currently only open to speakers who are giving papers at the conference. We hope to open further spaces in March. Austen scholars and enthusiasts are invited to the University of Southampton, Hampshire, for a conference commemorating Austen’s birth in the year 1775, in the port city that was Jane Austen’s home from 1806-1809. The organisers have encouraged the broadest possible interpretation of the conference theme The Global Jane Austen, and papers will focus on all aspects of Austen’s writing and life, her posthumous reception, her influences, and her writing alongside that of her contemporaries. Speakers will also present their research on adaptations, translations and creative responses to Austen’s work (written and/or performed in all languages), material and textual transmission of her works, and her reception and reputation in countries outside the Anglophone world.
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