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The CEVNI test (Open ended learning)


Course Information

The CEVNI Test

Completing payment on this item will grant you access to the Online CEVNI Exam operated by RYA Interactive.

If you wish to go boating on the inland waters of Europe it is necessary for you to hold an ICC with CEVNI.

If you wish to go boating on the inland waters of Europe it is necessary for you to hold an ICC with CEVNI. CEVNI is the exam that you need to complete to show that you understand the signs and 'rules of the road' for the busy commercial shipping ways that are the European inland waterways.

To enable access to your online course we need to share some of your personal data with the RYA via your user profile in www.ryainteractive.org. This learning management website is hosted and maintained by a third party called Learning Pool, who will not use your personal information for any reason other than enabling your course.

Your name and email address will be entered on www.ryainteractive.org in order to create your user account. On your first access to the site, you will be asked to enter your address and date of birth. You will have access to the site for one year in order to complete your online course. During this period, your personal information will be held on the website by Learning Pool and be available to this training centre and the RYA for the purpose of managing your course.

Instructional support will be provided by this training centre for a period of 12 months from the date of your course booking.

On completion of your course, your name, email, date of birth and address will be transferred to the RYA's central database for the purpose of recording details of the course and any certification you gain as a result of it. This information allows the RYA to record your certification, to update any records they may already hold about you or your qualifications and to verify your certificate if required. After one year from the date of your enrolment on the course, your user account will be removed from www.ryainteractive.org.

Full details of how the RYA will deal with your personal information will be displayed when you first access www.ryainteractive.org.

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.

Course Code


Course Leader

Sport and Wellbeing
StartEndCourse Fee 
01/08/202131/07/2025[Read More]

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