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Queering data: Producing data on sex, gender and sexuality - online


Course Information

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Queering data introduces participants to issues surrounding the ways that sex, gender and sexuality are represented in UK data. The course focuses on the production of data via surveys, helping participants design survey questions in an inclusive, transparent and reflexive manner. Ran over four half days, with each session on a specific theme. The first two sessions engage with critical theories surrounding how populations are categorised and counted and dives into the UK data context. The final two sessions provide participants with insights and tools for designing their own survey questions and engaging with data in an informed and reflexive manner. The recommendations provided in this course are based on a mixed method research project that directly engaged with people with relationships to sex, gender and sexuality overlooked in UK survey data.



Course Code


Course Leader

Kirstie Ken English
Course Description


The course covers: 

  • Introduction to critical queer and feminist theories on data collection 
  • Introduction to the UK census and the controversies around them 
  • The pros and cons of data visibility for LGBTI+ people 
  • Being a reflexive data collector 
  • Being transparent data collector 
  • Ways to design sex, gender and sexuality survey questions based on research with overlooked populations 


By the end of the course participants will:

  • Be able to summarise the pros and cons of LGBTI+ data collection as seen by queer theorists 
  • Be able to summarise feminist critiques of quantification 
  • Know what the UK census are, what they are for, how they are designed and the latest debates surrounding how they represent sex, gender and sexuality 


Course format:

The course is spread across four mornings (10am - 1pm) on June 20th & 21st and 27th & 28th) 

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
20/06/202428/06/20240[Read More]

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