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Advanced R as a GIS: Spatial Analysis and Statistics - Online


Course Information


In this online course, run over two mornings, we will show you how to prepare and conduct spatial analysis on a variety of spatial data in R, including a range of spatial overlays and data processing techniques. We will also cover how to use GeoDa to perform exploratory spatial data analysis, including making use of linked displays and measures of spatial autocorrelation and clustering.

The course covers: 

  • Understanding and being able to interpret Spatial Autocorrelation measure Moran's I
  • Understanding Local Indicators of Spatial Association statistic
  • Perform Spatial Decision Making in R
  • Perform Point in Polygon analysis using different approaches
  • Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using point based or polygon based data
  • Using buffers as a part of spatial decision making

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Be aware of some spatial statistics concepts and be able to apply them to their own data using GeoDa
  • Be able to perform spatial decision making 
  • Understand the limitations and benefits of working with data in this way

This course is aimed as PhD students, post-docs and lecturers who have some existing knowledge of using R as a GIS and want to develop their knowledge of spatial stats and spatial decision making in R. Some prior knowledge of both R and GIS is required. It is also appropriate for those in public sector and industry who wish to gain similar skills. 

Students will be using R, RStudio and GeoDa. 

Students need to have completed my Introduction to Spatial Data and Using R as a GIS (https://www.ncrm.ac.uk/training/show.php?article=13142) course, or have equivalent experience.

This includes:

  • Using R to import, manage and process spatial data
  • Design and creation of choropleth maps
  • Use of scripts in R
  • Working with loops in R to create multiple maps

For more information, please look at the link.

Students will need R (v > 4.0), and the sf, tmap, dplyr libraries. They will also need RStudio (v > 2023.01 or greater)

No prior knowledge of GeoDa is needed. It can be downloaded following the instructions at https://nickbearman.github.io/installing-software/geoda. Version 1.20 or greater is required. 


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Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Nick Bearman
StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
03/06/202504/06/20250[Read More]

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