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Advanced Critical Praxeological Analysis: Designing a Project and Writing a Paper (online)


Course Information

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Critical Praxeological Analysis (CPA) is a new approach which provides a way of conducting critical qualitative research. 

Critical Praxeological Analysis (CPA) synthesises ideas from three key areas: Wittgensteinian philosophy, particularly the method of grammatical investigation; ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, with a focus on praxeological gestalts; and critical research, especially critical phenomenology. This synthesis provides a robust method for critical qualitative research. 

In this two day online advanced course, the authors of the approach, Khadijah Diskin and Phil Hutchinson, will help participants identify and plan a project of study, handle data, and make a start on developing a research article. 

This course will assume an understanding of the basics of CPA and spend minimal time on a brief recap of these (see NCRM's online course Introduction to CPA - 10-11 September 2025  if you feel you need an introductory course first). 

The idea is for participants to make significant progress on work towards a CPA article for publication, either individually or working with other participants on the course as co-authors. The convenors will provide advice on every stage of the process and offer follow-up 1:1 sessions to participants.

The course (22 October) will focus on supporting participants in designing and carrying out a project and writing a paper. Two weeks after the course (29 October) there will be a data session, where those who attended the course can bring their data for the group to analyse. 

By completion of the course:

  • Participants will have made a start on a CPA project and in some cases a paper for publication.
  • Participants will learn and understand the stages of CPA project design.
  • Participants will have hands-on experience of handling and analysing data as a CPA researcher and participating in a data session.
  • Participants will have tips on overcoming the hurdles which are commonly faced in a CPA project.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to make use of subsequent support sessions, which will support them to the completion and submission of their paper over 8 months following the course.

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Course Leader

Phil Hutchinson
Course Description


Day One (22 October 2025) will focus on supporting participants in designing and carrying out a project and writing a paper.

09.00-10.30 - A Brief introduction to the key tenets of CPA, delivered briefly as a refresher: 

  • Linguistic and Praxeological Gestalts and their analysis
  • Understanding discordant Gestalts
  • Extending the unique adequacy requirement

10.30-10.50 Break

10.50-13.00 - Selecting, handling and analysing data—the CPA data session and data analysis:

  • What data?
  • Transcription and preparing your data for analysis
  • Finding a way in. 
    Sometimes, the most challenging thing about data analysis in CPA (as in EMCA) is knowing how to get started, how to find a way into the data. We will share strategies for overcoming this hurdle.
  • Employing Gestalt frames in analysing interactional data.

13.00-14.00 LUNCH

14.00-16.30 - Writing a CPA report for publication—A Deliberative Forum:

Here we employ a reformulated version of the consensus workshop method, which has been designed practice-based teaching method. We will divide you into groups and use breakout rooms, taking you through a step-by-step process of selecting a topic, designing, and writing a CPA report.

16.30-17.00 – Preparing for the follow-up Data Sessions – Sourcing your data.


Day Two (29 October 2025) Two weeks after the course there will be a data session, where those who attended the course can bring their data for the group to analyse. 

09.00-09.10 Intro and schedule

09.10-10.10 – Session One

10.10-10.30 Break

10.30-11.30 – Session Two

11.30-12.30 – Session Three

12.30-13.30 LUNCH

13.30-14.30 – Session Four

14.30-15.30 – Session Five

15.30-15.50 – Break

15.45-16.50 – Session Six


Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will have made a start on a CPA project and in some cases a paper for publication.
  • Participants will learn and understand the stages of CPA project design.
  • Participants will have hands-on experience of handling and analysing data as a CPA researcher and participating in a data session.
  • Participants will have tips on overcoming the hurdles which are commonly faced in a CPA project.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to make use of subsequent support sessions, which will support them to the completion and submission of their paper over 8 months following the course.
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22/10/202529/10/20250[Read More]

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