Introducing Qualitative Secondary Analysis: from why to do it, to how to do itInfo Location Additional Items Contact More Info Course Information![]() This one-day online, interactive course will provide a practical introduction to Qualitative Secondary Analysis. The morning session will explore key debates and histories characterising the beginnings of this methodology, including how and why we might use existing qualitative data, how to sample from and across datasets and repositories, the unique ethical considerations of using existing qualitative data, and the potential of Qualitative Secondary Analysis to produce new and relevant research findings. The afternoon session will focus on the practicalities of analysing existing data, exploring the possibilities for these methods for delegates’ own research and the diversity of research designs made possible through data reuse. The course will comprise two lectures and two interactive workshops (see below for further details). The course will be delivered by Kahryn Hughes and Anna Tarrant, both specialists in QSA, and the authors of numerous books and papers based on research innovating in this methodology. The course will run from 10am to 4pm. In the first presentation of the day, delegates will be introduced to the key debates and challenges characterising the histories of Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA). They will be introduced to early debates interrogating the particularities of reusing qualitative data and the evolution of questions from whether we should reuse qualitative data to how we might do it. In the second presentation of the day, delegates will be introduced to methods and ethics of QSA, sources of qualitative data and the practicalities of sampling within and across datasets and repositories In afternoon workshops, delegates will get more ‘hands on’ with existing data with an opportunity to analyse short excerpts from real world research, and engage in guided reflection on the possibilities and limitations of this methodological approach. A second practical session will offer delegates the opportunity to consider possible research designs incorporating QSA in their own research. The course is suitable for doctoral and established researchers who are either new to this methodology or wish to refresh or enhance their research practice. Delegates will receive a course pack, comprising powerpoint slides and data files from the Timescapes Archive. Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal. AMEX is not accepted Course CodeNCRMIQSA Course LeaderProf Anna Tarrant and Prof Kahryn Hughes
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Contact InformationPenny White NCRM Centre Manager Additional InformationKey resources: Hughes, K. and Tarrant, A. (2020) Qualitative Secondary Analysis, London: Sage. Hughes, K. and Tarrant, A. (2024) Men, Families and Poverty: Tracing the Intergenerational Trajectories of Place-based Hardship Palgrave Macmillan. Tarrant, A. (2017) Getting out of the swamp? Methodological reflections on using qualitative secondary analysis to develop research design. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20 (6): 599–611. Suggested further reading Edwards, R., Davidson. E., Jamieson, L. and Weller, S. (2020) Search Strategies: Analytical Searching Across Multiple Datasets and within combined sources, In: Hughes, K. and Tarrant, A. (eds) Qualitative Secondary Analysis, London: Sage. Hughes, K., Hughes, J. and Tarrant A., (2020) ‘Re-approaching interview data through Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Interviews with Internet Gamblers’. In Themed Section for the International Journal of Social Research Methodologies, Kahryn Hughes, Jason Hughes, and Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq (eds) ‘Making the Case for Qualitative Interviews.’ For a plain text summary of this paper go to: Hughes, K., and Tarrant, A. (2020b) The Ethics of Qualitative Secondary Analysis, in K. Hughes, and A Tarrant (Eds). (2020) Qualitative Secondary Analysis, Sage: London. Irwin, S. and Winterton, M. (2011a) Debates in qualitative secondary analysis: critical reflections, Timescapes Working Paper 4. Available at: Lyon, D. and Crow, G (2020) Doing Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Revisiting Young People’s Imagined Futures in Ray Pahl’s Sheppey Studies. In: Hughes, K. and Tarrant, A. (eds) Qualitative Secondary Analysis, London: Sage. Mauthner, N.S. (2012) ‘Accounting for the tangled webs we weave: Ethical and moral issues in digital data sharing’, in M. Mauthner, M. Birch, J. Jessop and T. Miller (eds), Ethics in Qualitative Research. London: SAGE Publications. pp. 157–75. Moore, N. (2007) ‘(Re)using qualitative data?’, Sociological Research Online. Available at: Phoenix, A., et al. (2016) Group Analysis in Practice: Narrative Approaches, FORUM: QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH, Tarrant, A. and Hughes, K. (2019) ‘Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Building longitudinal samples to understand men’s generational identities in low income contexts’, Sociology, 53(3): 599-611. Tarrant, A. and Hughes, K. (2019) Qualitative Secondary Analysis: building longitudinal samples to understand men’s generational identities in low income contexts, Sociology, 53 (3): 538-553
Supplementary reading lists are available via the following links on the Timescapes Archive website: Reading List for Qualitative Secondary Analysis - by Kahryn Hughes and Anna Tarrant Resources for Qualitative Secondary Analysis - by Kahryn Hughes and Anna Tarrant |