Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions - F2FInfo Course InformationThis in-person three day course will provide participants with an understanding of the complex intervention research process. Presentations and activities will relate to the main concepts of developing/identifying and evaluating complex interventions and support participants to apply the principles to their own research. It will focus on the overarching considerations required to develop complex intervention research projects, rather than the details of study design, and enable researchers to develop and conduct research that will provide the most useful evidence for decision making. The course will be structured around the MRC/NIHR Framework for Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions. There will be a mix of lectures and small group activities to put learning into practice. It is for anyone interested in developing, evaluating and implementing interventions with the intention of positive health and/or social change. This could be academic or other researchers, practitioners, or others interested in implementing the best process for their intervention development or evaluation. Participants should have some familiarity with the framework for developing and evaluating interventions, and some experience of working with complex interventions. The course covers:
Course CodeGLASDECIF2F Course LeaderDr Andy Baxter