EAP Toolkit: online learning resources in language and study skills for international students in higher education. Available for institutional licence.
Detailed Description
The EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Toolkit is a set of versatile online learning resources designed for international students whose first language is not English. Over 100 interactive learning resources (equivalent to 80 hours of activity-based learning) provide language and study skills support for international students in higher education.
It can be blended with classroom teaching on EAP courses or used as a self-access resource and is compatible with platforms such as Blackboard and Moodle or can be web-hosted. It is available for institutions to licence.
If you are a student or member of staff at the University of Southampton, you can access the Toolkit for free via Blackboard, either from the 'Full course list' (under 'View all courses' on your Blackboard homepage) or by using this direct link: Blackboard link
For further information and prices see: http://www.elanguages.ac.uk/eap_toolkit.php or contact elang1@soton.ac.uk