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Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Early Career Network Summer Event

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Event Information

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Dates of Event
16th July 2025 – 18th July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
11th April 2025


You are invited to attend the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change - Early Career Network Summer Conference at the University of Southampton this July.  

The Tyndall Centre is a partnership of universities bringing together researchers from the social and natural sciences and engineering to develop sustainable responses to climate change.

Whatever your discipline, as long as your research is related to climate change, we encourage you to join!

Tyndall Early Careers Network (TECN) is a space for early careers researchers to come together and learn valuable skills from one another to pursue their research in an ever-changing field.

This year Southampton is hosting the TECN Summer Conference. 

Topics will include:

  • Communicating your work
  • Creating new projects
  • Engaging with policymakers
  • Future career opportunities
  • And plenty of opportunities to socialise

We hope to see you there!

To book your place, please complete the registration by Friday 11th April. Event details will be shared with registered attendees nearer the date.

You will have the opportunity to add additional delegates during the booking process.

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a Payment.


Attendee CategoryCostPlace(s) Available  
Registration£0.000[Read More]

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