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Using Creative Research Methods


Course Information


This two day course will outline creative research methods and show you how to use them appropriately throughout the research process.

The course assumes that you have a good working knowledge of conventional research methods, and builds on that knowledge by introducing arts-based methods, embodied methods, research using technology, multi-modal research, and transformative research frameworks such as participatory and activist research.

Any or all of these techniques can be used alongside conventional research methods and are often particularly useful when addressing more complex research questions. You will have several opportunities to try applying these methods in practice. Attention will be paid to ethical issues throughout.

The course will include plenty of practical advice and tips on using creative methods in research.

The course covers:

  • Arts-based methods
  • Embodied methods
  • Research using technology
  • Multi-modal research

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Have a good level of knowledge of creative research methods
  • Understand how to use creative methods alongside conventional methods
  • Understand when to use creative methods in research
  • Have more resources to counter any opposition to the use of creative methods
  • Know how creative methods can add value to funding bids

This course will be relevant for researchers from the third sector, public services (e.g. health, criminal justice, social care, education, local or national government), and those who work in independent research organisations or academia. It is an intermediate level course and attendees will need a good working knowledge of conventional research methods.

The course will run from 10.30-17.30 on Day One and  9:00-16:00 on Day Two at the University of Liverpool. Please note refreshments will be provided, but lunch will not (there are various outlets nearby to purchase something, or bring your own).

Preparatory Reading

Although not required participants may wish to purchase the book on which the course is based: Creative Research Methods: A Practical Guide (2nd edn), by the trainer, published by Policy Press. NB: if participants sign up for the monthly e-newsletter produced by Policy Press, they will receive a substantial discount on the book.

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.

Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Helen Kara
StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
07/05/202508/05/20250[Read More]

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