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Qualitative Diary Methods - Online


Course Information

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Qualitative Diary Methods (QDMs) are increasingly recognised as a valuable and important method in social science research, due to concern across disciplines with an overreliance on cross-sectional research, a lack of focus on temporality, and the need to capture evolving processes and the daily dynamics of phenomena.

QDMs offer a range of innovative approaches and tools for social science researchers that enable us to capture and subsequently begin to understand, how phenomena are experienced in the moment, as well as how they evolve over time. However, they remain a methodological blindspot in much postgraduate research training.

This workshop will provide researchers with a new range of methods to add to their methodological toolkit, as well as support and guidance in managing some of the challenges associated with these methods, including insights into qualitative diary (longitudinal) analysis approaches.

The course covers:

  • Intro to Qualitative Diary Methods (QDMs)
  • When and why to use different qualitative diary methods
  • Addressing challenges associated with QDMs
  • Ethical considerations when using QDMs
  • Designing pen and paper diaries
  • Designing audio and video diaries
  • Designing photo-elicitation diaries
  • Designing qualitative ‘App’ diaries
  • Analysing data from QDMs: Moving beyond thematic analysis

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Have a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and challenges of QDMs, and how to manage these challenges
  • Be able to evaluate when different QDMs should be used and why
  • Be able to design appropriate QDM research projects to address particular research questions
  • Have a critical awareness of particular ethical issues associated with the use of QDMs
  • Have a comprehensive understanding of analytical approaches suited to data gathered using QDMs

Programme Outline:

Welcome & Introductions 10:30 am

Session 1: 10:45 – 12:45

  • An introduction to diary methods
  • When and why to use different qualitative diary methods
  • Collecting qualitative diary data: challenges and practical considerations
  • Ethical considerations and participant reflexivity
  • Sampling approaches for qualitative diary studies
  • Pre- and post-diary interviews
  • Audience Q&A and Task: Design a diary for your own research project/ interest – Justify design choices in line with sample, data needs and research questions.

Lunch Break 12:45 – 1:45

  • Opportunity for informal discussions and networking

Session 2: 2:00 – 4:30

  • Designing pen and paper diaries: Tips & Examples
  • Designing audio and video diaries: Tips & Examples
  • Designing photo-elicitation diaries: Tips & Examples
  • Designing qualitative ‘App’ diaries: Some Examples
  • Analysing data from qualitative (longitudinal) diary projects: Moving beyond thematic analysis - Thematic Trajectory Analysis (TTA)
  • Audience Q&A & Group Task; Group discussions around proposed diary projects, including analytical approaches. Feedback from participants and presenters.

4:30 pm Conclusion & Finish

The event runs from 10:30am-4:30pm

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Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Laura Radcliffe and Dr Leighann Spencer
StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
30/04/202530/04/20250[Read More]

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