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KetoMojo Combo Test strip pack (60keton/60glucose)

Product image



KetoMojo Combo Test strip pack (60keton/60glucose)

The product supplied may vary from image shown.


Please note that these items are only available for the University personnel only


Detailed Description

PLEASE NOTE - the stock is now past its April 2023 best before date, so we have reduced the price from 25 to 12.50 a box - these are NOT then for MEDICAL validation but for personal interest. Our tests show these individually wrapped sticks are still accurate per specification, but want to make SURE you know what you're getting

Once again - these are fine for personal interest in blood glucose/blood ketone and for our research. (new boxes in the uk are 74 quid - just for info)

Should you have any questions please email [email protected] 

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