Code please select below and add to basket | Details | In-Centre Fee | Home-Edition Fee |
HSK Enrol fee | Enrolement Fee | £10 | £10 |
HSK1WTESTI | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 1 - Individual | £20 | £29 |
HSK1WTESTG | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 1 - Group Fee | £15 | £22.50 |
HSK1WTESTS | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 1 - Student | £15 | £22.50 |
Level 2 | | | |
HSK2WTESTI | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 2 - Individual | £30 | £42 |
HSK2WTESTG | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 2 - Group Fee | £25 | £35.50 |
HSK2WTESTS | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 2 - Student | £25 | £35.50 |
Level 3 | | | |
HSK3WTESTI | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 3- Individual | £40 | £65 |
HSK3WTESTG | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 3- Group Fee | £35 | £60 |
HSK3WTESTS | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 3 - Student | £35 | £60 |
Level 4 | | | |
HSK4WTESTI | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 4 - Individual | £50 | £85 |
HSK4WTESTG | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 4 - Group Fee | £45 | £80 |
HSK4WTESTS | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 4 - Student | £45 | £80 |
Level 5 | | | |
HSK5WTESTI | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 5 - Individual | £60 | £105 |
HSK5WTESTG | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 5 - Group Fee | £55 | £100 |
HSK5WTESTS | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 5 - Student | £55 | £100 |
Level 6 | | | |
HSK6WTESTI | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 6 - Individual | £70 | £115 |
HSK6WTESTG | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 6 - Group Fee | £65 | £110 |
HSK6WTESTS | Examination Fee Written Test - Stage 6 - Student | £65 | £110 |