| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click hereDescription1mm polished zinc plate suitable for etching and aquatint. 120x150mm | £3.25 | 120x225mm | £4.85 | 240x150mm | £6.50 | 240x225mm | £9.75 | 240x300mm | £13.00 | 240x450mm | £19.50 | 480x300mm | £26.00 | Additionally the below sizes are available. Please contact the Printmaking technician directly to order these. 120x110mm | £2.40 | 160x100mm | £2.90 | 160x150mm | £4.30 | 160x300mm | £8.65 | 480x450mm | £38.90 | |