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Electrochemistry Summer School: Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry 2025

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Electrochemistry Summer School: Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry 2015
Dates of Event
29th June 2025 – 4th July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
29th June 2025


Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry

A password is required to register for the summer school, please contact Dr Guy Denuault [email protected] 

In this course the Southampton Electrochemistry Group teaches the applications of modern electrochemical techniques to problems in chemistry, biology, sensors, materials science and industrial processing. 

The one-week residential course, which will be held from 29 June to 4 July 2025, will consist of both lectures (with full written supporting material) and hands-on practical sessions.

The early lectures will cover core material, while the remainder will address specific electrochemical techniques. All participants will select five experiments from a choice of ten designed to illustrate the core material and the selected techniques.

The course, organised almost yearly since 1969, provides formal and informal opportunities for discussion of topics related to the interests of the participants. The event is an excellent opportunity for networking and developing research collaborations.

For additional information, please visit the course WEBSITE

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed using Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Cards or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration Early Bird (Ends 30/04/25)£1600.00

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