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University of Southampton All-Sector Careers Fairs

Attendee Categories
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Event Information

Careers Fair Logo
Dates of Event
16th October 2024 – 17th October 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
31st January 2025


We're delighted to open registration for our All-Sector Autumn 2024 Careers Fairs!

The University of Southampton is a top 13 UK University and within the Global top 100, with talented, motivated and aspiring students who are actively looking for career opportunities.

The All-Sector Autumn Careers Fair is the ideal opportunity to engage with a large number of students to promote placement opportunities, graduate roles and other job opportunities for the coming year. This fair is held over two days, for all sectors and students of ALL disciplines.

The Fair is being hosted on our Highfield campus, in Garden Court.

Please note, the prices below are PER stand, PER day inclusive of VAT.

If you wish to add more than one date, after adding the first date continue through to the 'Shopping Basket' then click 'Continue Shopping' and return to the event to select the additional date.

Attendee CategoryCost   
C) 16 Oct: Large Graduate Recruiter£600.00

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