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Questionnaire Design for Mixed-Mode, Web and Mobile Web Surveys - Online


Course Information


In this live online course, learn about questionnaire design in the context of different modes of data collection. Explore question wording issues, the questionnaire as a whole and visual concerns when moving from interviewer-administered to web survey, when creating a web survey in general and when facing the questionnaire design challenges in creating mobile-friendly web surveys. Mirroring in-person training this will be an interactive course and will also have workshops throughout.

The course covers:

  • The push towards mixed mode, web and mobile web surveys
  • Questionnaire design revision - Getting started, trade-offs, general guidelines, beware of certain question formats
  • Question design solutions for comprehension issues - Appendix for memory and sensitivity issues
  • Don't rely on survey templates
  • Mixing modes of data collection, some overall mode differences, mode effects by question content and format
  • From interview survey to web survey
  • Web survey questionnaire requirements and options, web surveys can include . . . but should we?, importance of visual layout, unexpected issues with HTML formats
  • Push to web
  • Questionnaires for mobile web surveys - earlier evidence, later findings, current thinking on making a questionnaire mobile-friendly

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Have better knowledge about questionnaire-related mode differences and effects
  • Have the skill to change an existing interviewer-administered questionnaire to a web survey
  • Have the ability to create effective web survey questionnaires as well as mobile-friendly ones
  • Have greater questionnaire design skills in general and the ability to critique existing survey templates

This course is for anyone involved in mixed-mode, web and/or mobile web surveys.  Participants need familiarity with surveys and questionnaire design.

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Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Pamela Campanelli
Course Description


DAY 1 

12.30-12.55  Introductions and course overview

12.55-13.10  The push towards mixed mode, web and mobile web surveys 

13.10-13.30  Key principles of questionnaire design - Getting started, trade-offs, four cognitive stages, question wording guidelines

13.30-13.40  Break

13.40-14.40  Key principles (continued)

14.40-14.50  Break

14.50-14.55  Highlights of Appendix: Demographic questions are always the most difficult to write

14.55-15.15  Key principles (continued)

15.15-15.45  Workshop 1 - Critiquing a survey question

15.45-15.55  Break

15.55-16.10    Solutions to ambiguous terms

16.10-16.20    Issues with respondents' memories and question sensitivity

16.20-17.00  Workshop 2 - Writing a survey question

DAY 2 

12.30-12.50  Know the deeper issues with open and closed questions. Mini appendix on coding open questions

12.50-13.25  Problematic question formats to be aware of or avoid (satisfaction and agree/disagree). Mini appendix on other problematic formats (tick all that apply, ranking and hypothetical questions)

13.25-13.35  Break

13.35-13.55  Don't rely on survey templates

13.55-14.25  Workshop 3 - Critiquing web survey software templates

14.25-14.35  Break

14.35-14.40  Modes of data collection: Mixing modes

14.40-15.00  Modes of data collection: Overall mode difference (obvious ones)

15.00-15.15    Modes of data collection: Mode effects. Mini appendix on mode effects due to satisficing; measuring mode effects

15.15-15.25  Break

15.25-16.10  Workshop 4 - Interpreting data from a mixed mode experiment

16.10-17.00  The questionnaire as a whole - Interview survey versus web survey. Day Two Appendix - 8 question testing methods for web surveys

DAY 3 

12.30-13.00  The questionnaire as a whole - Web versus paper

13.00-13.15   The questionnaire as a whole - Web versus paper and interviewer-administered - the special things that web surveys can do, but should we?

13.15-13.25   The questionnaire as a whole -Face-to-face / Web / paper versus phone - visual versus not visual 

13.25-13.35  Break

                      Mini appendix on paper self-completion 

13.35-14.00  The questionnaire as a whole -Face-to-face / Web / paper versus phone - visual versus not visual (continued)

14.00-14.30  Workshop 5 - Visual layout

14.30-15.00  Web surveys for mobile phones - earlier evidence, current thinking 

15.00-15.10  Break

                      Mini appendix - an issue with Google Forms

15.10-15.30  Mode of data collection difference - what should you do?

15.30-15.50  Push to web

15.50-16.00  Break

                       Mini appendix -more on push to web

16.00-16.20  Examples of question revisions based on testing results

16.20-17.00  Workshop 6 on revising survey questions.  Mini appendix - Can mobile phones be used as an alternative method of data collection?




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25/03/202527/03/20250[Read More]

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