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‘Dad Data’: the potentials of seeing and researching ‘men as fathers’ using secondary analysis


Course Information

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‘Dad Data’ is a one-day course designed to introduce participants to existing quantitative and qualitative data about UK fathers, which can be accessed from data archives for secondary analysis.

This data - that tells us about men in their roles as fathers and male caregivers (and their impacts) – can, and should, be used in secondary analysis to address research questions about children, young people, interparental relationships, families, work, caring, gender and other societal issues.

Although ‘dad data’ is ready and waiting to be analysed, researchers may not be aware of its existence or know how to make use of it for their own research interests. This means that the potential of ‘seeing’ fathers in data and analysing societal concerns through the lens of fatherhood is yet to be fully realised, with subsequent policy and practice impacts missed.

Participants will be introduced to the creative ways in which researchers might ‘see’ and research fathers in data, have opportunities to explore the relevance of ‘dad data’ for their own work, and to identify new research questions and future directions. 

Course Code


Course Leader

Prof Anna Tarrant & Rebecca Goldman
Course Description

The course will showcase six national longitudinal studies of children, families and households (e.g. Growing Up in Scotland and Understanding Society) that contain ‘dad data’ for quantitative analysis, as well as qualitative longitudinal datasets that feature the voices and experiences of fathers (from the Timescapes Archive at the University of Leeds ). Q&A sessions following expert presentations will support exploration of challenges, new questions, and future opportunities for research involving this important, valuable and underused ‘dad data’.

Course Timing

10am - 3.30pm

Reading Materials and Websites to Visit

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
11/09/202411/09/20240[Read More]

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