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Eighth Wellington Congress

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Event Information

Dates of Event
4th April 2025 – 5th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
17th March 2025


The University of Southampton, which is the home of the archive of the first Duke of Wellington, will be hosting its Eighth Wellington Congress on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th April 2025. 

The programme features keynote addresses by Professor Beatrice de Graaf and Dr. Ed Coss, along with a wide range of papers exploring the career of the first Duke of Wellington. Discussions will also delve into the broader historical context of Britain, Ireland, the Empire, and Continental Europe during the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

If you would like to purchase an accompanying person guest ticket for the conference meal only on Friday 4th April , please click this LINK

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted.  Telephone payments are not possible.
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.

Please select your chosen attendee category.

Attendee CategoryCost   
A) Registration General 4th & 5th April£140.00[Read More]
B) Registration Student 4th & 5th April£130.00[Read More]
C) Registration Speaker 4th & 5th April£120.00[Read More]
D) Registration General 4th April£70.00[Read More]
E) Registration Student 4th April£65.00[Read More]
F) Registration Speaker 4th April£60.00[Read More]
G) Registration General 5th April£70.00[Read More]
H) Registration Student 5th April£65.00[Read More]
I) Registration Speaker 5th April£60.00[Read More]

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