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Building Constellations of Creative and Participatory Research Methods - online


Course Information

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This exciting interactive workshop will develop your knowledge and skills in using creative and participatory research methods. Creative and participatory methods are increasingly being utilised by social researchers to tackle complex research questions, enhance participant inclusivity and to generate wide ranging research impact for a broad range of stakeholders. 

This session begins with an overview of developments in creative and participatory research, highlighting the opportunities and challenges in the context of social policy, research impact and advancing academic knowledge. Across the two days, the course covers how and why we use a variety of creative and participatory methods and how to bring them together in analysis, forming a constellation. The workshop will address ethics, opportunities, benefits and challenges during the research process and how to generate multi-level impact from grassroots to social policy. Participants will be given the opportunity to explore how to incorporate creative and participatory approaches (such as zines and photovoice) in their own research, and how to analyse and disseminate effectively.

Over the course you will:

  • Be introduced to key debates in creative and participatory research
  • Understand the potential for, and the challenges of, using creative and participatory research methods
  • Explore how to ethically engage in creative and participatory research
  • Learn from active peer-researchers involved in co-creating research

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Develop practical skills in different creative and participatory approaches such as Zines, Photovoice, Co-creation/co-production (including peer research)
  • Develop skills in designing, conducting, analysing and disseminating creative and participatory research
  • Learn how such methods can be incorporated into the generation of meaningful research impact

Indicative Schedule:

The course will run across two consecutive mornings (10am - 1pm) and equates to one day of training for payment purposes.

Day 1

  • What do we mean by creative and/or participatory methods?
  • The value of creative/participatory research methods
  • Planning and setting up creative/participatory research tools.
  • FOCUS ON (1): zines as creative/participatory methods
  • Ethical considerations specific to creative/participatory research (part 1)

Day 2

  • Ethical considerations specific to creative/participatory research (part 2)
  • Creative/participatory research with children and young people
  • Creative/participatory research with marginalised communities    
  • FOCUS ON (2): co-creation – creative and participatory research in action*
  • Doing co-analysis and co-dissemination
  • Creative/participatory methods for generating meaningful research impact
  • Wrapping up the workshop/advice clinic

*The workshop facilitators will be joined on this by two peer researchers they have trained and worked with on recent research projects.


This course will be delivered by Dr Linzi Ladlow, Research Fellow from the University of Lincoln, and Dr Laura Way, Senior Lecturer from the University of Roehampton. They are experienced in engaging with creative and participatory research and facilitating training. They have hosted a BSA funded symposium and are editing a forthcoming collection on creative and participatory methods.

Target audience:

This short course is suitable for all qualitative researchers at any career stage, including postgraduate students. Whilst we are not expecting you to already be familiar with creative and participatory methods, familiarity with the purposes of qualitative research, as well as with qualitative methods of data generation and analysis, will be assumed.

Payment using the Online Store can only be completed via Visa and Mastercard Credit/Debit Card or PayPal.  AMEX is not accepted
If you have not previously created an account for the Online Store, you will need to create an account to make a booking.

Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Linzi Ladlow and Dr Laura Way
StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
31/03/202501/04/20250[Read More]

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